Resources for schools
Maritime Futures is open source. On this pages are curriculum resources that you can use to stimulate thinking in your own context, adapt or implement. We encourage all schools that are running a Maritime Futures curriculum to share their resources.
If you’ve found these resources helpful or are implementing your own version of Maritime Futures, please let us know.
Cowes Enterprise College Curriculum Journey
Cowes Enterprise College’s high level curriculum journey at Key Stage showing how maritime is taught in mainstream subjects
Cowes Enterprise College How To Guide
Cowes Enterprise College’s guide to implementing a local context curriculum that supports seamless careers education
Cowes Enterprise College Case Study
Cowes Enterprise College’s experience of developing an integrated curriculum that supports careers education
Cowes Enterprise College Science Guide KS3
See in detail how maritime is worked in across science.
OAT Futures
A careers website from Ormiston Academies Trust to highlight careers in maritime (amongst others).
Holbrook Academy Curriculum Journey
Holbrook Academy’s Year 7 developing curriculum journey.
Cliff Park Ormiston Academy Curriculum Journey
Cliff Park Ormiston Academy’s KS3 curriculum journey.
Hull Trinity House Curriculum Journey
Hull Trinity House’s KS3 curriculum journey.